Tuesday, July 23, 2024

School Facilities Study Report

 To: School Board 

 From:  Jubal C. Yennie

 Re:Facility Study Recommendations and Timeline 

Date:  May 21, 2015 

This evening, the Sullivan County Board of Education will accept the Master Facility Planning Report from our planning consultant, DeJong-Richter. It is important to note that the board’s acceptance of the report does not signify that the school system will execute all of the items outlined in the report. Instead, it demonstrates that the board acknowledges the completion of the report, which can be used to help guide the county school system’s planning process for the next 10-15 years.

This recommendation did not close any school buildings. Here is the full recommendation as presented and as approved by the BOE.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Definition of "liberal"


liberal (adjective) · Liberal (adjective)
  1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas:

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sale of Colonial Heights Middle School

 False Information Posted on Facebook by Todd Broughton

Here is the accurate information.

Minutes for August 4, 2022 BOE Meeting

4. Public Comment - Agenda Items

Dr. Bob Brown, representing Lakeway Christian Academy (Tri Cities Christian School), addressed the board regarding their offer of $2 million for Colonial Heights Middle School property. Dr. Brown asked the board to reconsider the restriction of not allowing the property to be used as a school.

Mr. Mike Hale, resident near CHMS, addressed the board regarding the razing of the CHMS building. He spoke on behalf of others that live in the neighborhood. He said the community would prefer the property be sold to Lakeway Christian, as they feel the property would be improved and well taken care of.

Mrs. Angie Stanley, County Commissioner representing Colonial Heights, asked the board to lift the restriction of not allowing the CHMS property to be used as a school.

6.a.a. Colonial Heights Property Motion Passed:

Motion that Colonial Heights Middle School property be declared surplus and that all restrictions other than those in the original deed be removed and that the property be sold by internet auction to the highest bidder above a minimum bid of $2,000,000 with the right of Sullivan County Board of Education to reject any or all bids passed with a motion by Mr. Randall Jones and a second by Mr. Michael Hughes.

Mr. Michael Hughes: Yes

Mr. Mark Ireson: Yes

Mr. Randall Jones: Yes

Mr. Matthew Price: Yes

Mr. Paul Robinson: Yes

Dr. Mary Rouse: Yes

Mr. Matthew Spivey: Yes

Minutes for October 18, 2022 BOE Meeting

6.a. Colonial Heights Property Motion Passed: Motion to accept the high bid of $2.3 million from Lakeway Christian Schools and to send resolution to the County Commission for acceptance of this bid passed with a motion by Mr. Mark Ireson and a second by Mr. Paul Robinson.

Mr. Michael Hughes: Yes

Mr. Mark Ireson: Yes

Mr. Randall Jones: Yes

Mr. Matthew Price: Yes

Mr. Paul Robinson: Yes

Dr. Mary Rouse: Yes

Mr. Matthew Spivey: Yes

Saturday, July 6, 2024

My opponent says I am not a Republican because I have not attended any local Republican Party events.

I have chosen to not participate in local partisan events because I believe politics has no place in the educational positions that I have held in my 52 year career in education. I am a life long Republican; however, I  represent all people in Sullivan County, not just members of one party. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

                                                                     VOTING RECORD

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Why I want to continue to serve on the Sullivan County Board of Education?

God has blessed me so much throughout my seventy- five years of life. I am at a point in my life where I can serve my community, not needing to be focused on my career. Twelve years ago, God led me to offer my service to the students, families, and staff of our community by representing them on the Sullivan County School Board. He is continuing to lead me to use the knowledge, relationships, and experience I have gained through my 38-year involvement with Bristol and Kingsport City Schools and the twelve years as a member of the Sullivan County Board of Education. Much progress has been made towards the three main goals that I outlined in the forum in June 2012; however, more work needs to be done to fully accomplish these goals.


Goals/priorities for 2024-2028

1.      DETERMINED to keep Sullivan County students as our greatest natural resources by providing updated facilities with expanded curricula especially the enhanced CTE Programs.

2.      EXPERIENCED: Please prayerfully consider me as your District 5 Board member. I ask that you compare my education, experience, leadership positions and accomplishments as a Board Member with the other candidates. 

3.      COMMITTED to approving a budget that ensures Sullivan County teachers and support staff are paid a salary comparable to Kingsport and Bristol and fighting for more local control of our educational processes including curriculum and testing.  


·         Currently serving as District 5 Board member for Sullivan County (2012-2024)

·         Served as Chairman for three years (2020-2023)

·         Served as Vice Chairman for four years (2016-2020)

·         Level 4 Board Member

·         Served as member-at-large for Tennessee School Board Association for 2023

·         Sullivan County resident since 1980

·         Christian believer and member of Indian Springs Baptist Church for 36 years

·         Sunday School teacher at Indian Springs Baptist Church

·         Served three years on State Resolutions Committee for Tennessee Baptist Association (2013-2015)

·         Scott County Virginia native-graduate of Rye Cove High school

·         Education: Bachelors, Masters and Master’s plus 45 from ETSU

·         Married for 51 years to Ann Jones (retired Sullivan County teacher)

·         Occupation: Retired from Bristol City Schools in 2009

·         Assistant Director of Schools, Bristol, TN (1995-2009)

·         Principal, Tennessee High School, Bristol, TN (1991-1995)

·         Assistant Principal, Tennessee High School, Bristol, TN (1985-1991)

·         Assistant Principal, Vance Middle School Principal, Bristol, TN (1979-1985)

·         Director of Alternative School, Tennessee High School (1978-1979)

·         Math teacher, Tennessee High School, Bristol, TN (1976-1978)

·         Director of Admissions, Steed College, Johnson City, TN (1975-1976)

·         Math teacher at John Sevier Middle School, Kingsport, TN (1971-1975)

·         One granddaughter attends West Ridge High School

·         One granddaughter is a 2023 graduate of West Ridge High School and attends East Tennessee State University

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Major Accomplishments 2012-2024

·        Resources officers at all school

·        Assistant principals at most elementary schools

·        New West Ridge High School opened in August 2021

·        New Sullivan East Middle School opened in 2020.

·        Improved security entrances at all schools

·        Updated fire alarm systems in all schools

·        Two new concession buildings at Ketron

·        Partial new roof at Ketron Elementary

·        Partial new roof at Emmett Elementary

·        Improved athletic facilities at East High School including turf on football, baseball and softball fields.

·        New roof at East High School including Vocational Building

·        New tennis courts at East High School

·        New greenhouse at East High School

·        New greenhouse at West Ridge High School

·        West Ridge Multi-Purpose Center

·        New roof at Indian Springs Elementary.

·        New HVAC system at Indian Springs Elementary

·        Updated track at Central Middle School

·        Updated tennis courts at Central Middle School

·        Updated tennis courts in progress at Sullivan Heights Middle

·        New HVAC system currently being installed at Central Middle School

·        Updated HVAC at Sullivan Heights Middle School

·        New HVAC at Rock Springs Elementary

·        New roof at Mary Hughes Elementary

·        New roof at Miller Perry

·        New roof at Bluff City Elementary

·        New HVAC at Bluff City Elementary

·        Increased fund balance

·        Teacher salary equalization pay plan was implemented.

·        New improved curricula

·        Sold Colonial Heights Middle School for $2.3 million

·        Sold Blountville Campus for $637,500